Georgia Standards for Computer Science - Middle School
GaDOE is using a new technical specification by the IMS Global Learning Consortium (IMS Global) called the Competency and Academic Standards Exchange (CASE) to enable a machine readable, linked data version of state standards. With CASE, open-educational resources can be more easily tagged and discovered. Districts and individual educators can build crosswalks to their local learning targets, organize assessment results, and discover content through these crosswalks. The CASE format enables teaching, learning, and assessment software systems to access or consume competency frameworks and crosswalks.
Grade Band Pages
6 - 8 Course Standards
Teacher Resources
Sample Units
CS Teaching Tips
This is a project funded by the National Science Foundation to document and disseminate effective computer science teaching practices. Click the image below to explore the best-tips repository.
Professional Learning Videos
Activity Based Programming Webinar Series
Python Based Programming in Middle School Webinar Series