Georgia DOE Literacy Champions for Grades K-5
Georgia DOE Literacy Champions for Grades 6-12
An overview of Georgia’s L4 Literacy Champions Initiative. Viewers are invited to watch award-winning author, Carmen Deedy as she engages students in a read aloud.
Literacy for Learning, Living, and Leading (L4) is the state’s framework for action around improving student outcomes for reading. Literacy Champions is an innovative approach to encourage collaborative engagements of students, families, teachers, and communities in literacy-rich activities. Students in grades Pre-K to 12 are encouraged to connect with schools, families, and their public libraries. Literacy Champions is aimed at increasing students’ enthusiasm and engagement in literacy.
• Cultivate engagement of families and community partners
• Celebrate literacy-rich activities in schools and communities, both locally and nationally
• Encourage students’ voices in literacy at schools and in the community by increasing student awareness
• Enrich school culture with student-driven programming around literacy during school and in summer programs
Suggested Literacy Activities for Schools and Communities
• Host a book club
• Create a community of reading by hosting Read-Aloud Conferences
• Host Literacy Showcases and/or Literacy Days
• Engage the student body in conversations about literary works
• Host Literacy Think Tanks
• Develop a Literacy Blog
• Research sponsor-funded field trips related to literacy, afterschool literacy programs, and on-site visits of authors and/or orators
• Take students on Virtual Field Trips
Georgia Public Library Service
The Georgia Public Library Service has agreed to partner with the Georgia Department of Education to support our Literacy Champions initiative. Our public library system will support the Literacy Champions initiative by promoting the value and joy of life-long reading and learning through:
• Collaborating with local schools and community to support literacy activities
• Identifying multi-modal literacies to support students’ engagement of monthly theme-based texts
Additional Information
• Contact Stephanie Sanders, ELA/Literacy Program Manger
• Cassandra Matthews, ELA/Literacy Program Specialist
@GaDOEELA #litchampsga