Note: Social Studies Resources are developed and reviewed by #GAsocialstudies educators.
Are you looking for the GSE, curriculum maps, teacher notes, and unit plans for this grade level? You can find all of those sample resources on our new platform GaDOE Inspire! Click the link below for the Kindergarten page.
The GSE and teacher notes are in the "course resources" tab. Sample lessons and activities are in the "curriculum map." Click here to see a video tour of Social Studies Resouces in GaDOE Inspire.
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What does every day social studies inquiry look like?
Check out this 5th Grade Social Studies Lesson "Presidential Advisors: Should We Go To War?" For lesson resources and more videos visit the Everyday Inquiry in Elementary Social Studies Video Series.
Teacher Content Videos
America at the Turn of the Century
America’s Involvement in WW I
Banking and the Stock Market Crash of 1929
Cattle Trails
Civic/Government Understandings
The Civil Rights Movement
Communism and the Cold War
Cultural Developments and Individual Contributions of the 1920’s
Geographic Understandings
The Great Depression and the New Deal
Modern America
Technology in the Second Half of the Last Century
World War II
Instructional Activity Videos
Turn of the Century and Arts Integration – 5H1b
Babe Ruth and Infographics – 5H2b