Note: Social Studies Resources are developed and reviewed by #GAsocialstudies educators.
Are you looking for the GSE, curriculum maps, teacher notes, and unit plans for this grade level? You can find all of those sample resources on our new platform GaDOE Inspire! Click the link below for the Kindergarten page.
The GSE and teacher notes are in the "course resources" tab. Sample lessons and activities are in the "curriculum map." Click here to see a video tour of Social Studies Resouces in GaDOE Inspire.
#GAsocialstudies in Action
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Teacher Content Videos
To view this video series in the embedded YouTube playlist below, click the menu in the upper-left corner of the video and select a playlist topic.
Playlist Topics
1. English Colonization - USH1
2. Causes of the American Revolution - USH3
3. Creating the Constitution – USH5c-e
4. Big Business – USH11
5. Foreign Relations at the Turn of the 20th Century – USH14a-b
6. National Identity after WWI – USH16
Student Video Dictionary
These are short, classroom appropriate videos designed to support students in U.S. History.
Instructional Activity Videos
To view this video series in the embedded YouTube playlist below, click the menu in the upper-left corner of the video and select a playlist topic.
Playlist Topics
1. Better Feedback - USH1-2
2. Circle Maps
3. Cornell Notes
4. The Dinner Party - USH13, 16
5. Document Analysis: Explicit vs Inferences
6. Edmodo - USH10
7. Exit Questions - USH20
8. Gamification of US History
9. Jigsaw - USH3
10. Mock Journal Entries
11. Reflections - USH5,11,15
12. Student Created Multiple Choice - USH6
13. Summarizers
14. Systematic Thinking - What? So What? Now What?
15. Think Alouds
16. Vocab Quizzes
17. Vocabulary Strategies