The Georgia Department of Education is using a new technical specification by IMS Global Learning Consortium (IMS Global) called the Competency and Academic Standards Exchange (CASE) to enable a machine readable, linked data versions of state and national learning standards, local learning objectives and targets, and any workplace, military, or higher education competencies representing skills, knowledge, or abilities.
• Georgia’s Learning Standards in CASE Format
With CASE, open-educational resources can be more easily tagged and discovered. Districts and individual educators can build crosswalks to their local learning targets, organize assessment results, and discover content through these crosswalks. This resolves one of the biggest remaining barriers to blended learning.
Whereas in the past, such frameworks were typically published as pdf files for humans to read and use, the CASE format enables teaching, learning, and assessment software systems to access or consume competency frameworks and crosswalks. Prior efforts to organize digital repositories of open content have lacked an organizing system, resulting in “piles of files” the way that a library without the would be like piles of books.
“Having this machine-readable data – rather than a ‘stack of PDFs’ – will assist Georgia districts, schools, and those creating curricular material and open educational resources in ensuring tight alignment to our state’s academic standards,” Georgia State School Superintendent Richard Woods said. “Our standards are created with the direct input of educators, parents, students, and the community, so it’s a top priority for us to ensure that the resources available to teachers are well-aligned.”
To support CASE, Public Consulting Group, Inc. (PCG) has launched an open source project called OpenSALT, that provides a free, IMS-certified tool that enables education organizations to manage and publish frameworks and crosswalks to other standards. The Georgia Department of Education is the first state agency to publish their learning standards in the CASE format. GaDOE is using OpenSALT, an MIT licensed, open source community and tool to manage CASE Frameworks.

“We are pleased to be part of this ground-breaking effort to help Georgia’s students access high standards and expand learning opportunities,” said Dr. Caitlin McMunn Dooley, Deputy Superintendent for Teaching and Learning at the Georgia Department of Education. The Georgia Department of Education supports districts in their quest to promote personalized learning that offers individual students an opportunity to access relevant, interesting, and challenging curriculum that is aligned to Georgia’s Standards.
According to Dr. Keith Osburn, Associate State Superintendent, Virtual Learning, Georgia Department of Education: “CASE provides the missing Rosetta Stone to facilitate the automated exchange of open educational resources content by enabling individual educators to discover content tagged to other frameworks through a crosswalk to their own standards.”
• Georgia’s Learning Standards in CASE Format