The Georgia Teachers-As-Advisors Framework represents a series of collaborative efforts between the Georgia Department of Education, Georgia educators representing Grades 6-12, Georgia students and parents representing Grades 6-12, Georgia postsecondary education systems, and representatives from Georgia business and industry.
Strongly linked to the National Career Development Guidelines, the Georgia Teachers-As-Advisors Framework serves as a structure for developing, implementing, and evaluating both district and school-level programs that are laser-focused on the educational and career planning process for ALL Georgia students
Further evidenced in the framework, is the overarching emphasis on the acquisition and development of 21st Century Skills that will lead ALL Georgia students to high-skill, high- demand, and high-wage jobs. These jobs will have a significant impact on, not only individuals, but growing a healthy state economy
The framework will serve, as well, as the structure from which an online repository of Teachers-As-Advisor lessons will be available from the Georgia Department of Education. Practitioners from across the state will be able to contribute to and draw from the repository as the Georgia Teachers-As-Advisors Initiative matures.
Explore the unlimited ways Teachers-As-Advisors can:
- erase student anonymity,
- provide students with increased opportunities for career exploration,
- lead students to make more informed choices, 
- increase student graduation rates,
- and increase postsecondary enrollment rates in your district.
We hope this serves as a valuable tool as we work together in "Leading the Nation in improving Student Achievement".
Teachers-As-Advisors Materials · Framework and Advisement Sessions · Teachers-As-Advisors Orientation and Awareness Presentation · Advisement Plan Lesson Template