Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE) began a curriculum revision process in conjunction with the Governor’s Strategic Industries and Workforce Development Task Force recommendations. In a collaborative effort involving secondary and post-secondary school instructors, determinations were made based on what knowledge and skills are necessary for future successes in the Georgia workforce. Ten Program Concentrations were developed for Georgia based upon this work.
Each Program Concentration has Career Pathways that have been developed for students to select and complete. Career Pathways have three or four specialized courses developed to provide students rigorous core elements, performance standards, and skills necessary after high school graduation to go straight into the workforce or choose college/university, or the military for additional training.
The Georgia Performance Standards are designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary for career readiness and success no matter what trade or professional career students choose after high school graduation. The Career, Technical and Agricultural Education Performance Standards were condensed to reflect the most essential elements of the curricula. Each career pathway provides students with the necessary tools to be successful at the next level of their educational career. Performance standards will allow teachers to teach to the depth each student needs and deserves.
Central to all of the pathways will be the 11 Foundation Skills. These competencies not only link Career, Technical and Agricultural Education to the state’s academic standards but the skills also provide learners a broad foundation for managing lifelong learning and career transitions in a rapidly changing economy. Additionally, with the core standards, integral activities of the student organizations will be enhanced. Georgia CTAE Teachers may log into the
CTAERN web site to view the instructional resources.