Since 2002, the vision of the Georgia Department of Education, has been to “improve student achievement by providing a guaranteed and viable curriculum, the Georgia Performance Standards.” The Georgia Performance Standards have been implemented in all core content areas and have demonstrated their rigor and relevance for preparing students for today’s world. Other instructional areas have not phased into the Georgia Performance Standards. The areas not yet phased in will continue to follow the Quality Core Curriculum (QCC).
Below are the remaining QCC’s in PDF format that have been migrated from the Georgia Learning Connections (GLC) site. The migration to GeorgiaStandards.Org was completed on July 1, 2008. The GLC web site is no longer available.
Character Education
Foreign Language
Language Arts
Social Studies
Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education - CTAE
Business & Information Technology
CVAE & Project Success
Family & Consumer Science
Healthcare Science Technology
Public Safety
Technology & Career Education (Middle School Exploratory)
Technology Education
Trade & Industrial Education