Georgia's Focus on Literacy Achievement and the Lexile Framework for Reading Initiative
Georgia's focus on improving early reading skills and increasing adolescent literacy includes a new resource for parents and educators, the Lexile Framework for Reading. Lexile measures rank the reading level of a student and the difficulty of text on a single scale which are correlated to scores on the Georgia Criterion Reference Competency Test (CRCT) and the End of Course Tests (EOCT) Reading Assessments in Grades 3-12. Educators, parents, and library media specialists use Lexile measures to select texts that are likely to improve the reading and comprehension skills of students.
Students are more comfortable when they read texts that match their Lexile level. Using Lexile measures, educators can assign and recommend reading materials that will help students develop stronger reading skills. Parents can use Lexile information to select texts that reinforce what teachers are trying to accomplish in the classroom. It is important to note that the Lexile measure does not address the content or quality of the text. Many other factors affect the relationship between a reader and a text, including its content, the age and interests of the reader, and the design of the actual text. The Lexile measure is a good starting point in the text-selection process, but parents and educators should always consider these other factors when making a decision about which text to choose.
The Georgia Lexile Framework Map provides a sampling of titles with corresponding Lexile levels. The framework illustrates how Lexiles can be used to support students and to monitor students' progress as they learn to become better readers. Additional book titles have been measured on the Lexile scale and can be found under Find a Book. Books listed are not endorsed or recommended by the Georgia Department of Education.
By using Lexile measures to help students become better readers, you can join State School Superintendent John Barge and the Georgia Department of Education in promoting reading achievement and adolescent literacy.
Lexile Measures at Home
Lexile Information for Educators